Best Application I've seen so far

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As seen by Anonymous. Posted under Imperian as a Funnies log.

Had to share

Submitted 29 Apr 2014. 1883 views in total, 0.52 per day.
KC NEWS #1096
Date: 4/29/2014 at 3:50
From: She-Girl, Mallia Mjollnir The Fearless Animist
To  : Everyone
Subj: Kanna

(This citizenship application appears to be written entirely in crayon.)

Pulchritudinous and mighty gatekeeper of the towers of five! I have forged an egg of desire and seek to crack it upon the stove of citizenship. Let my yolk spill upon the skillet of the city once more!

I offer an arm that can carry a sharp and pointy murder device and a sturdy hoe that I may till the loamy peat that binds the world together, and from it bear vegetables and grain of a most enlightened nature. My loyalty and kindness would be unparalleled amongst my peers if I had any peers.

I was going to write more stuff, but this crayon is almost worn out. Find the fleshy heart that beats within your chest cavity and from it squeeze upon me the vitae of your acceptance, for I dearly await to dig my toes into the northern city's many sandy beaches!

Kanna Sunjackal

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Letum, in the year 46 AM.