Rean vs Kandor

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As seen by Rean. Posted under Achaea as a Combat log.

Most frustrating 16 minutes of my life. Yes, I'm a very patient person.

Submitted 10 Sep 2008. 3423 views in total, 0.6 per day.
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Comment #1 by pimpim_85@xxx at 10 September 2008.

I don't understand Achaean combat, it seems so utterly damn boring. You can't use hallucinations after combos? Or telepathy? You don't work on double legbreaks or anything of a setup? You always borrow tons of artifacts before you fight?

Comment #2 by jmixednuts4444@xxx at 10 September 2008.

pimpim, look at my fight, Lyn v. Eiie. I work off breaks a lot

Comment #3 by vathael@xxx at 10 September 2008.

When I played a monk on Achaea, I would use hallucinations in a fight but no you couldn't do it right after you combo. I'd set up double breaks, throw things in blackout, or use hallucinations and telepathy to mess people up for a cripple/bbt train. Though, yes, Achaea combat is linear and boring.

Comment #4 by pimpim_85@xxx at 10 September 2008.

What I meant was more like, wow, monks sure look boring in Achaea. If you can't combine combos with hallucinations like imperian you are little to worthless against anyone who can tank/have a clue about healing, and since most people use larkims system, they can do average on healing. And the lack of posture that we have in imperian (keeping your stance for a high drain of Endurance) you lose alot of speed. Thankfully I left Achean combat ages ago ^^