Bryt vs. Zaldin

0With 2 votes
As seen by Bryt. Posted under Achaea as a Combat log.

One of the like, three times I've been jumped since joining the Quisalis mark. Shortly after this, Osek and Nyudas decided to make an attempt at killing me but failed.

Submitted 19 Feb 2010. 1187 views in total, 0.23 per day.
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Comment #1 by vathael@xxx at 19 February 2010.

Nice swk spam. Never seen that before.

Comment #2 by dgroz093@xxx at 19 February 2010.

I haven't played Achaea for a while, but it looks to me like Zaldin is a hunter who was trying to kill you without pets by throwing targetted axes at you from inside your room...

I'm fairly certain you could have just uppercut him to death.