Cally vs. Retaliation dummy

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As seen by Cally. Posted under Lithmeria as a Combat log.

Me testing how well I managed to integrate brewing into my autosipping, as well as trying to get used to my new Arcanist aliases. Figured I'd share.

I have the T1 (Incantations) and all of the T2s (Runes, Channeling and Arcana) for a Sorcerer Arcanist, but I haven't integrated Runes into my offense yet. The dummy is a Warrior has either Manuevers or Weaponry (I forget) and Retaliation.

As a note, the dummy has something like 5000 health during this fight, and I have the tester ability to track my damage and afflictions (which will not be available outside of beta) toggled.

Submitted 13 Nov 2009. 1754 views in total, 0.33 per day.
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