The Grip and Gripham Village walkthrough

+1With 1 vote
As seen by Elvarlyn. Posted under Lithmeria as a Misc log.

This is something of a trial attempt, as we're still very unsure about what it is exactly people want to see. The Grip was one of the first areas to be designed and lacks many of the fancier features that were added to the building engine since then.

The log primarily consists of me walking around The Grip, getting beat up by some bandits and then explaining how the Gripham Village PvP objective will work. Those who have been following Lithmeria for a while will recognize Gripham from when we fought over it in these logs:

We welcome all feedback and questions at our forums: and we especially invite you to come and tell us what you'd like to see in future zone walkthroughs. The next one should be up on Monday.

Submitted 1 Mar 2010. 1955 views in total, 0.38 per day.
"Today we'll be looking at the forest called "The Grip" and a mining village that lies at the northernmost point of that forest, called "Gripham"
You say, "Today we'll be looking at the forest called "The Grip" and a mining village that lies at the northernmost point of that forest, called "Gripham""
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A slow, winding descent into a canyon. (#353) (871, 497) (Road)
The road has been painstakingly chipped away from the surrounding canyon. Though little grows here, tall trees can be seen growing over the edges of the road and to the north, blanketing the ground with a green canopy. The rims of the canyon spread out wider as the descent continues.
There is an exit to the northwest and the south.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A slow, winding descent into a canyon. (#354) (870, 496) (Road)
Though little grows here, tall trees can be seen growing over the edges of the road and to the north, blanketing the ground with a green canopy. The road has been painstakingly chipped away from the surrounding canyon. The rims of the canyon spread out wider as the descent continues.
There is an exit to the northeast and the southeast.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"I arrived here via a highway
You say, "I arrived here via a highway."
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
map titan
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[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"You can see the highway stretching off to the south and in a diagonal in the southwest corner of the map there.  
You say, "You can see the highway stretching off to the south and in a diagonal in the southwest corner of the map there."
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Highways are special roads that allow much faster travel than regular room links. Each step along the highway is three regular steps anywhere else. This is done in order to make traveling faster while retaining the strict 1-1 scale of the map.
You say, "Highways are special roads that allow much faster travel than regular room links. Each step along the highway is three regular steps anywhere else. This is done in order to make traveling faster while retaining the strict 1-1 scale of the map."
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A slow, winding descent into a canyon. (#355) (871, 495) (Road)
Over the edges of the road and to the north, tall trees can be seen growing, blanketing the ground with a green canopy. The rocky road pushes further on into the canyon, many of the rocks looking chipped away or moved to make room for larger objects to move through. Little plant life exists along the path. The rims of the canyon spread out wider as the descent continues.
There is an exit to the northwest and the southwest.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A slow, winding descent into a canyon. (#356) (870, 494) (Road)
The rims of the canyon spread out wider as the descent continues. Little plant life exists along the path. The rocky road pushes further on into the canyon, many of the rocks looking chipped away or moved to make room for larger objects to move through. Over the edges of the road and to the north, tall trees can be seen growing, blanketing the ground with a green canopy.
There is an exit to the north and the southeast.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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At the base of a rocky slope. (#359) (870, 493) (Road)
A rocky yet traversable slope leading gradually upward from here merges into the forested canyon floor. The canyon appears to narrow as it follows the path ahead, eventually disappearing into the surrounding terrain after it reaches the rim, and widens to encompass more forest deeper in.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"All around us is the forest, designed, like the rest of this zone by the very talented coder man Mr Kamyr
You say, "All around us is the forest, designed, like the rest of this zone by the very talented coder man Mr Kamyr."
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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At the base of a rocky slope. (#359) (870, 493) (Road)
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A forest along a canyon road. (#526) (871, 494) (Forest)
The ominous trees loom overhead, their canopies reaching high into the sky and fighting for sunlight, leaving little for the ground dwellers. Little lives on the ground in the form of plant life, a scarce shrub here and there with thin grass holding the rest of the territory. Light manages to peek through in various spots, providing an eerie glow to the woods. The surrounding forest to the west and north seem to have a soft glow behind them. To the east, the canyon's rock formation seems to encase a section of the forest, leaving only a small opening.
A pile of coins glitters here.
There is an exit to the northwest, north and the east.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A quiet forest tucked in a corner. (#527) (872, 494) (Forest)
Canyon walls and other rocks encircle this hidden grove, the barriers only seeming to give way in the northwest. The forest is thin here, sunlight striking the ground in beams that highlight ample walkways. Vines cover the trees almost completely, blending the brown bark of the trees into a seamless green landscape.
There are 2 bulky masked thugs here. There are 4 masked bandits here.
There is an exit to the east, south, west and the in (secret).
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Aha! Bandits.
You say, "Aha! Bandits."
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"The southeastern part of The Grip is teeming with these nefarious evildoers.
You say, "The southeastern part of The Grip is teeming with these nefarious evildoers."
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Let's see what happens when I drop Divinefire
You say, "Let's see what happens when I drop Divinefire."
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
admin divinefire off
You dismiss your pale divine flames that protect you from harm.
[H: 721/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger coated in poison.
The toxin runs through your veins, reacting with other toxins in your system.
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger coated in poison.
A masked bandit strikes a spot on your body unprotected by armor.
The toxin runs through your veins, reacting with other toxins in your system.
A bulky masked thug viciously hacks into you with a rusty steel broadsword.
[H: 681/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger coated in poison.
Poison flows through your veins, causing sheer agony.
[H: 676/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger coated in poison.
The toxin runs through your veins, reacting with other toxins in your system.
[H: 671/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You bleed 2 health.
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 655/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"oh no!
You say, "Oh no!"
[H: 655/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 642/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger wreathed in flames.
The thick toxin courses through your head, slowing your mind and clogging your thoughts.
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger coated in poison.
Poison flows through your veins, causing sheer agony.
[H: 629/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger coated in poison.
Poison flows through your veins, causing sheer agony.
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 605/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A bulky masked thug backhands you with a rusty steel broadsword.
[H: 598/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You say, "Owwie!"
[H: 598/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger coated in poison.
Poison flows through your veins, causing sheer agony.
[H: 593/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You bleed 0 health.
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 586/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 567/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A masked bandit swiftly cuts into you with a rusty steel dagger wreathed in flames.
The thick toxin courses through your head, slowing your mind and clogging your thoughts.
[H: 559/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
admin divinefire on
You call up pale divine flames to protect yourself from harm.
[H: 559/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 549/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 530/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 511/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Toxin burns through your veins causing utter agony.
Thick toxins bog down your mind, slowing your thoughts.
You have 2 afflictions.
[H: 511/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 492/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 473/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 454/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"as you can see, they attack with poisons!
You say, "As you can see, they attack with poisons!"
[H: 454/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 435/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
elixir body
You take a drink from the elixir and feel it cure the afflictions of the body.
Your veins spasm and twitch as the black toxin is slowly forced from them.
Your body tries to thin the toxin slowing your mind.
[H: 435/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 429/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
[H: 423/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgxs-]
You can drink another curative elixir.
[H: 423/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your veins throb in agony.
elixir body
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
The ache in your veins fades as the agonizing toxin leaves them.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You take a drink from the elixir and feel it cure the afflictions of the body.
Dehydration strikes you as the thick toxin slowing your mind is thinned by your body.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgxs-]
You can drink another curative elixir.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Your body gains full mobility again, purging the thick toxin.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You have no afflictions.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A quiet forest tucked in a corner. (#527) (872, 494) (Forest)
There are 2 bulky masked thugs here. There are 4 masked bandits here.
There is an exit to the east, south, west and the in (secret).
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"A big group of six like this would probably be best handled by a team of players, complete with a tank or a healer... though a sufficiently high level player could potentially solo them.
You say, "A big group of six like this would probably be best handled by a team of players, complete with a tank or a healer... though a sufficiently high level player could potentially solo them."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A forest along a canyon road. (#526) (871, 494) (Forest)
The ominous trees loom overhead, their canopies reaching high into the sky and fighting for sunlight, leaving little for the ground dwellers. Little lives on the ground in the form of plant life, a scarce shrub here and there with thin grass holding the rest of the territory. Light manages to peek through in various spots, providing an eerie glow to the woods. The surrounding forest to the west and north seem to have a soft glow behind them. To the east, the canyon's rock formation seems to encase a section of the forest, leaving only a small opening.
A pile of coins glitters here.
There is an exit to the northwest, north and the east.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A forest along a canyon road. (#436) (871, 493) (Forest)
The ominous trees loom overhead, their canopies reaching high into the sky and fighting for sunlight, leaving little for the ground dwellers. Little lives on the ground in the form of plant life, a scarce shrub here and there with thin grass holding the rest of the territory. Light manages to peek through in various spots, providing an eerie glow to the woods. The surrounding forest to the west and north seem to have a soft glow behind them.
There is an exit to the north, northeast, east, south and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A forest north of a rocky barrier. (#514) (872, 493) (Forest)
The tall, imposing trees have been thinned here by the cliffside's pieces crumbling and falling into the canyon below. A large gap in the cliff wall matches a barrier of stone that is taller than two men, coming to an end just out of sight to the west. The sun manages to shine deep, hitting the canyon floor, and a flourish of tall grass and shrubs paints the ground.
A tawny doe is here, grazing on shrubberies and grass.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
p doe
This female deer stands to the chest of an average person. Its ears are broad and tapered to warn the animal of danger while grazing. Its light brown body is slender, its thin legs still possessing great running capacity, and a bushy white tail sits above its hindquarters
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
pat doe
You give a tawny doe a friendly pat on the head.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deep in the Grip. (#510) (873, 492) (Forest)
The ominous trees loom overhead, their canopies reaching high into the sky and fighting for sunlight, leaving little for the ground dwellers. Little lives on the ground in the form of plant life, a scarce shrub here and there with thin grass holding the rest of the territory. Light manages to peek through in various spots, providing an eerie glow to the woods.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
|X | X | X | X |     |
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Deep in the Grip. (#503) (873, 491) (Forest)
The ominous trees loom overhead, their canopies reaching high into the sky and fighting for sunlight, leaving little for the ground dwellers. Little lives on the ground in the form of plant life, a scarce shrub here and there with thin grass holding the rest of the territory. Light manages to peek through in various spots, providing an eerie glow to the woods.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deep in the Grip. (#496) (873, 490) (Forest)
The ominous trees loom overhead, their canopies reaching high into the sky and fighting for sunlight, leaving little for the ground dwellers. Little lives on the ground in the form of plant life, a scarce shrub here and there with thin grass holding the rest of the territory. Light manages to peek through in various spots, providing an eerie glow to the woods.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deep in the Grip. (#497) (874, 490) (Forest)
The ominous trees loom overhead, their canopies reaching high into the sky and fighting for sunlight, leaving little for the ground dwellers. Little lives on the ground in the form of plant life, a scarce shrub here and there with thin grass holding the rest of the territory. Light manages to peek through in various spots, providing an eerie glow to the woods.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A dense forest wrecked by rockslides. (#498) (875, 490) (Forest)
The thick, high forest has been massacred here for its unfortunate proximity to the cliff walls, a rockslide some years ago having dropped from the heights above to smash away the trees. The brown and grey rocks lay scattered about randomly, some no bigger than a chipping stone and others the size of boulders. Either by the rockslide or some other incident, along the wall of the canyon itself, a cavernous opening has manifested, heading down into the depths of the earth.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, south, southwest, west and a small hole leading through the canyon wall.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A dense forest next to a canyon wall. (#487) (875, 489) (Forest)
The forest on the edge is thick, yet appears to end abruptly close to the north and is clipped by the canyon wall to the east. Trees of medium height clutter the ground and cause a dark hue to pervade the forest even in the middle of the day. The various types of trees are surrounded by thick, unforgiving shrubbery, and vines that creep up them to steal a glimpse at the sun. The wild forest seems to only grow more intense further to the south.
A gray lynx with a stubby tail is here, searching the woods for prey.
There is an exit to the northwest, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A dense forest next to a canyon wall. (#482) (874, 488) (Forest)
The forest on the edge is thick, yet appears to end abruptly close to the north and is clipped by the canyon wall to the east. Trees of medium height clutter the ground and cause a dark hue to pervade the forest even in the middle of the day. The various types of trees are surrounded by thick, unforgiving shrubbery, and vines that creep up them to steal a glimpse at the sun. The wild forest seems to only grow more intense further to the south.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A dense forest next to a canyon wall. (#471) (874, 487) (Forest)
The forest on the edge is thick, yet appears to end abruptly close to the north and is clipped by the canyon wall to the east. Trees of medium height clutter the ground and cause a dark hue to pervade the forest even in the middle of the day. The various types of trees are surrounded by thick, unforgiving shrubbery, and vines that creep up them to steal a glimpse at the sun. The wild forest seems to only grow more intense further to the south.
A gray lynx with a stubby tail is here, searching the woods for prey. A large, menacing grey wolf alpha looms nearby. A tawny doe is here, grazing on shrubberies and grass.
There is an exit to the northwest, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
p wolf
Standing almost a hand taller than the average grey wolf, this monstrous animal bears scars along its muzzle and fur from vicious battles for pack dominance. Its ears stand up straight, spinning about at small noises. It has a wet black nose resting in front of dangerously sharp canine teeth, ready to tear the flesh from challenger or prey.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Just some of the creatures that wander around The Grip
You say, "Just some of the creatures that wander around The Grip."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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In the grip of woodlands nearing the eastern canyon cliffside. (#470) (873, 487) (Forest)
The trees grow taller and the canopies grow thicker as they move deeper into the center of the woodlands, the quiet shade encompassing more and more of the ground level. The thick brush and tall grass thins out, as only the sturdiest bushes, mosses, and short grass manage to live off the pittance of light the ruling trees allow them. Animal trails dart around in almost random patterns between the trees and random hills, disappearing out of sight in the shadows of the forest that are aided by the large cliff wall to the east, the morning light not striking til far after dawn.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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The edge of a canyon forest. (#461) (872, 486) (Forest)
The forest on the edge is thick, yet appears to end abruptly close to the north. Trees of medium height clutter the ground and cause a dark hue to pervade the forest even in the middle of the day. The various types of trees are surrounded by thick, unforgiving shrubbery, and vines that creep up them to steal a glimpse at the sun. The wild forest seems to only grow more intense further to the south.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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The edge of a canyon forest. (#460) (871, 486) (Forest)
The forest on the edge is thick, yet appears to end abruptly close to the north. Trees of medium height clutter the ground and cause a dark hue to pervade the forest even in the middle of the day. The various types of trees are surrounded by thick, unforgiving shrubbery, and vines that creep up them to steal a glimpse at the sun. The wild forest seems to only grow more intense further to the south.
There are 2 bulky masked thugs here. A tawny doe is here, grazing on shrubberies and grass.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deforested plains north of a lush forest. (#442) (871, 485) (Plains)
The grass has grown high on this plain, yet the stumps from the massive clearing of the forest still litter the area and the shorter ones may stub a toe if care is not taken. Farther to the north, a village can be vaguely made out. To the south, the remaining forest stands defiantly. A road can also be seen to the west.
A massive eagle is gliding just above the ground here.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
Hopping through the grass, a field mouse comes into sight from the northwest.
An eagle soars out to the north, on the hunt for prey amongst the grass.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deforested plains north of a lush forest. (#441) (872, 485) (Plains)
The grass has grown high on this plain, yet the stumps from the massive clearing of the forest still litter the area and the shorter ones may stub a toe if care is not taken. Farther to the north, a village can be vaguely made out. To the south, the remaining forest stands defiantly. A road can also be seen to the west.
A large field mouse creeps through the nearby grass.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deforested plains next to an eastern mining shaft. (#439) (872, 484) (Plains)
The grass has grown high on this plain, yet the stumps from the massive clearing of the forest still litter the area and the shorter ones may stub a toe if care is not taken. Some of the grass has been crushed by falling rocks from the nearby cliff wall, yet they have all been cleared in a path leading up to a mine shaft. To the north, a village that is likely the cause of the deforestation rests. To the south, the remaining forest stands defiantly. A road can also be seen to the west.
A massive eagle is gliding just above the ground here.
There is an exit to the northwest, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Entrance to a mine shaft in the eastern plains. (#440) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
There are 2 stout Tinker miners here.
There is an exit to the northeast and the out.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A stout Tinker miner enters from the northeast, looking about with lamp in hand.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"These are the very mines around which Gripham has been built
You say, "These are the very mines around which Gripham has been built."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deeper into a wayward mine shaft. (#565) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
There are 2 stout Tinker miners here.
There is an exit to the east and the southwest.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deeper into a wayward mine shaft. (#566) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
A stout Tinker is here, pickaxe in hand.
There is an exit to the east and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"As you can see, Tinker miners work here tirelessly, excavating minerals for the war effort!
You say, "As you can see, Tinker miners work here tirelessly, excavating minerals for the war effort!"
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deeper into a wayward mine shaft. (#567) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
A stout Tinker is here, pickaxe in hand.
There is an exit to the east and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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At the end of a mine shaft. (#568) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty, larger chunks missing out of the ending wall as the miner's push further and further down. Cart trails lead to the west, marking the path out of the tunnel.
A stout Tinker is here, pickaxe in hand.
There is an exit to the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
p tinker
This burly miner is dressed in some thick clothing which could possibly have been another color before being turned brown from the same dirt that covers his face. His hat is wide brimmed and sturdy, probably designed to keep what muck it can out of his eyes. Several tears and cuts adorn his clothing, attesting to the difficulty of his profession.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deeper into a wayward mine shaft. (#567) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
A stout Tinker is here, pickaxe in hand.
There is an exit to the east and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deeper into a wayward mine shaft. (#566) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
A stout Tinker is here, pickaxe in hand.
There is an exit to the east and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deeper into a wayward mine shaft. (#565) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
There are 2 stout Tinker miners here.
There is an exit to the east and the southwest.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
There is no exit in that direction.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Entrance to a mine shaft in the eastern plains. (#440) (Underground)
Marks and chips mark the walls where miners have plundered the ground for its bounty. Cart trails lead through this mine shaft as it plunges deeper into the earth. Sunlight and the opening can be seen to the west, while flickers of lanterns can occasionally be seen in the darkness further in.
There are 3 stout Tinker miners here.
There is an exit to the northeast and the out.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
A stout Tinker leaves to the northeast, holding a lamp to light his path.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deforested plains next to an eastern mining shaft. (#439) (872, 484) (Plains)
The grass has grown high on this plain, yet the stumps from the massive clearing of the forest still litter the area and the shorter ones may stub a toe if care is not taken. Some of the grass has been crushed by falling rocks from the nearby cliff wall, yet they have all been cleared in a path leading up to a mine shaft. To the north, a village that is likely the cause of the deforestation rests. To the south, the remaining forest stands defiantly. A road can also be seen to the west.
A large field mouse creeps through the nearby grass.
There is an exit to the northwest, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Deforested plains next to a canyon wall. (#437) (871, 483) (Plains)
The grass has grown high on this plain, yet the stumps from the massive clearing of the forest still litter the area and the shorter ones may stub a toe if care is not taken. Some of the grass has been crushed by falling rocks from the nearby cliff wall. To the north, a village that is likely the cause of the deforestation rests. To the south, the remaining forest stands defiantly. A road can also be seen to the west.
There are 2 large field mice here. A massive eagle is gliding just above the ground here.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A deforested plain south of a mining village. (#433) (870, 483) (Plains)
The grass has grown high on this plain, yet the stumps from the massive clearing of the forest still litter the area and the shorter ones may stub a toe if care is not taken. To the north, a village that is likely the cause of the deforestation rests. To the south, the remaining forest stands defiantly. A road can also be seen to the west.
A large field mouse creeps through the nearby grass.
There is an exit to the north, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A deforested plain south of a mining village. (#430) (869, 483) (Plains)
The grass has grown high on this plain, yet the stumps from the massive clearing of the forest still litter the area and the shorter ones may stub a toe if care is not taken. To the north, a village that is likely the cause of the deforestation rests. To the south, the remaining forest stands defiantly. A road can also be seen to the west.
A massive eagle is gliding just above the ground here.
There is an exit to the northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A road south of a mining village. (#410) (868, 483) (Road)
A gate appears close by in the north, while the road continues further to the south. Marks and signs of travelers mar this road, from carts, caravans, and persons alike. Surrounding it is an expanse of what looks to have once been a forest, the stumps of many trees scattered about the growing grass.
Custodian Cally is here, wielding a twisted glass rod in her left hand and a repoussé kite shield in her right hand.
There is an exit to the north, east, southeast, south, southwest and the west.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"This is a Cally. It's important we be nice to it or it will devour us all.
You say, "This is a Cally. It's important we be nice to it or it will devour us all."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
cower cally
You begin to tremble shamelessly as you cower before the might of Cally.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A gated path into a village. (#411) (868, 482) (Urban)
The deforested plains are explained as the wooden walls of a small village. The gate is of a size to allow large objects and caravans to move through and can hold three beams to reinforce it in case of siege. Some of the cart trails pass through here, into the village and out to the less secure mines. A guardhouse sits to the side of the gate to maintain it and ensure intruders are spotted.
There is an exit to the north and the south.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Which brings us to the village of Gripham itself!
You say, "Which brings us to the village of Gripham itself!"
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Those of you who have been following us for a while might remember this place from when we fought over it back in late 2009.
You say, "Those of you who have been following us for a while might remember this place from when we fought over it back in late 2009."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A gated path into a village. (#411) (868, 482) (Urban)
There is an exit to the north and the south.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Once a capture attempt is made, the fate of Gripham is decided by control of three key locations within the village.
You say, "Once a capture attempt is made, the fate of Gripham is decided by control of three key locations within the village."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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The town center of Gripham. (#412) (868, 481) (Urban)
All paths lead to the center of the village, a dark wooden structure set up with the cart trails going directly inside it. A sign above the front entrance of the building reads "Processing and Sales." Unlike most other buildings in the town, care has been taken to maintain the plant life around it, with grass and flowering shrubs providing a more pleasing aesthetic.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in (open door).
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Outside the Miner's Pick. (#413) (869, 481) (Urban)
A two story tall wooden structure sits here, the entrance made up of two swinging doors. The tavern is usually a reserved eatery during the day, but towards nightfall bawdy music, rich smells and loud noise come from it. There are windows in the first story, but the only link to the outside on the second floor is the door the balcony overhanging the main door. The cart trails weave close by but do not come in contact with the building, yet the foot paths to it seem very well used.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, east, south, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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By the village's eastern mine. (#414) (870, 481) (Urban)
A hole has been gouged in the side of the canyon wall here, the width as much as five men and ample room ahead for the tallest man you could find. The tunnel has been strengthened with wooden support beams to minimize the chance of cave in. Cart trails appear to run into the mine, and run west deeper into the village. A small shack to the side of the tunnel houses pickaxes, lanterns, oil, and other tools necessary to work inside the earth.
This is a capture point.
There is an exit to the northwest, southwest, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"This one in the east
You say, "This one in the east."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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|X | X | X | X | X | |
Outside the Miner's Pick. (#413) (869, 481) (Urban)
A two story tall wooden structure sits here, the entrance made up of two swinging doors. The tavern is usually a reserved eatery during the day, but towards nightfall bawdy music, rich smells and loud noise come from it. There are windows in the first story, but the only link to the outside on the second floor is the door the balcony overhanging the main door. The cart trails weave close by but do not come in contact with the building, yet the foot paths to it seem very well used.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, east, south, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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| | X | X | X | X | X|
The town center of Gripham. (#412) (868, 481) (Urban)
All paths lead to the center of the village, a dark wooden structure set up with the cart trails going directly inside it. A sign above the front entrance of the building reads "Processing and Sales." Unlike most other buildings in the town, care has been taken to maintain the plant life around it, with grass and flowering shrubs providing a more pleasing aesthetic.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in (open door).
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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|      | X | X | X | X|
Following cart trails through the village. (#419) (867, 481) (Urban)
Cart trails passing from and to the mine shafts and village infrastructure all eventually pass by the forge. The forge is little more than a wooden roof on posts, the heat from the fires too hot to contain within four walls of only forest material. From here several tools can be seen, used from smelting to blacksmithing.
There is an exit to the north, northeast, east, south, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
|                / | |
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|         [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-|
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By the village's western mine. (#420) (866, 481) (Urban)
A natural indention in the canyon provided for an excellent spot to mine deep into the rock with less risk. Still sparing no precaution, the mine has been reinforced with wooden support beams. Various tools and equipment lay in a supply shed beside the tunnel, and various carts rest to the side when not in use.
This is a capture point.
There is an exit to the northeast, east, southeast and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You help to capture the Village of Gripham for the Aspalarian Sovereignty.
"This one in the west
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You say, "This one in the west."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
|            / |     |
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|      | X | X | X | X|
Following cart trails through the village. (#419) (867, 481) (Urban)
Cart trails passing from and to the mine shafts and village infrastructure all eventually pass by the forge. The forge is little more than a wooden roof on posts, the heat from the fires too hot to contain within four walls of only forest material. From here several tools can be seen, used from smelting to blacksmithing.
There is an exit to the north, northeast, east, south, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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| [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-|
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The town center of Gripham. (#412) (868, 481) (Urban)
All paths lead to the center of the village, a dark wooden structure set up with the cart trails going directly inside it. A sign above the front entrance of the building reads "Processing and Sales." Unlike most other buildings in the town, care has been taken to maintain the plant life around it, with grass and flowering shrubs providing a more pleasing aesthetic.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in (open door).
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Outside of a large dormitory. (#417) (868, 480) (Urban)
A large wooden structure hovers over the bank of the lake and makes it mark as the biggest building in the small village. Made of the same dark wood from the canyon as the rest of the buildings, the multi-story building shows a surprising skill in carpentry from the miners of Gripham. The sound of voices and the smell of food emanate from it at almost all hours.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Main lobby of a miner's dormitory. (#545) (Building)
The lobby is decorated with much upholstery and less raucous forms of entertainment than the tavern. Some painting and cheap carpeting adorns the room, lit by the small oil lanterns loved by the miners. Doorways lead out of the lobby to the east and west, and a set of stairs leads upwards to the second floor.
There is an exit to the east, west, up and the out.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A hallway above the stairs. (#561) (Building)
A purely functional hallway with little decoration, the hallway branches out to the west, east and north. Signs above the doors read "West Dormitory", "East Dormitory", and "Foreman's Office", respectively.
There is an exit to the north, east, west and the down.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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The foreman's office. (#562) (Building)
The foreman's office is simple like most of the village. A secretary's desk sits near the door, with a larger one for the foreman himself at the back wall. A suit of armor and pair of weapons rest on a rack nearby, meticulously cared for. Shelves full of files and bookkeeping records cover most of the walls.
This is a capture point.
An Oceansinger secretary sits behind a desk quietly.
There is an exit to the south.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"And this one, in the foreman's office.
You say, "And this one, in the foreman's office."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
greet oceansinger
You smile at A demure secretary in greeting.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You help to capture the Village of Gripham for the Aspalarian Sovereignty.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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The foreman's office. (#562) (Building)
This is a capture point.
An Oceansinger secretary sits behind a desk quietly.
There is an exit to the south.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Aha, here you see that I am helping to capture Gripham!
You say, "Aha, here you see that I am helping to capture Gripham!"
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Now, obviously in this case no one is trying to stop me and no one is trying to help me, so if I stayed here long enough I'd capture it.
You say, "Now, obviously in this case no one is trying to stop me and no one is trying to help me, so if I stayed here long enough I'd capture it."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You help to capture the Village of Gripham for the Aspalarian Sovereignty.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"When the game goes live, not only will there be a lot more players about to prevent me from seizing a village by myself, there will also be squads of NPC's patrolling about and deployed by those in the Teladiri army division to help defend it.
You say, "When the game goes live, not only will there be a lot more players about to prevent me from seizing a village by myself, there will also be squads of NPC's patrolling about and deployed by those in the Teladiri army division to help defend it."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"I can check the status of the war by doing this:
You say, "I can check the status of the war by doing this:."
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
war status
====================== Gripham Village =====================
=                        2.255639097744                    =

========================= Highgallow =======================
=                          Neutral                         =
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"Once that reaches 100, Gripham is mine!!
You exclaim, "Once that reaches 100, Gripham is mine!"
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
You cackle shrilly.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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The foreman's office. (#562) (Building)
This is a capture point.
An Oceansinger secretary sits behind a desk quietly.
There is an exit to the south.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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A hallway above the stairs. (#561) (Building)
A purely functional hallway with little decoration, the hallway branches out to the west, east and north. Signs above the doors read "West Dormitory", "East Dormitory", and "Foreman's Office", respectively.
There is an exit to the north, east, west and the down.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Main lobby of a miner's dormitory. (#545) (Building)
The lobby is decorated with much upholstery and less raucous forms of entertainment than the tavern. Some painting and cheap carpeting adorns the room, lit by the small oil lanterns loved by the miners. Doorways lead out of the lobby to the east and west, and a set of stairs leads upwards to the second floor.
There is an exit to the east, west, up and the out.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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Outside of a large dormitory. (#417) (868, 480) (Urban)
A large wooden structure hovers over the bank of the lake and makes it mark as the biggest building in the small village. Made of the same dark wood from the canyon as the rest of the buildings, the multi-story building shows a surprising skill in carpentry from the miners of Gripham. The sound of voices and the smell of food emanate from it at almost all hours.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in.
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
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The town center of Gripham. (#412) (868, 481) (Urban)
All paths lead to the center of the village, a dark wooden structure set up with the cart trails going directly inside it. A sign above the front entrance of the building reads "Processing and Sales." Unlike most other buildings in the town, care has been taken to maintain the plant life around it, with grass and flowering shrubs providing a more pleasing aesthetic.
There is an exit to the northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west and the in (open door).
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]
"That concludes our little tour of Gripham village and The Grip forest. Hope you enjoyed it!
You say, "That concludes our little tour of Gripham village and The Grip forest. Hope you enjoyed it!"
[H: 417/756 M: 242/412 (No Fervor) -eblrgcxs-]