omgwtf tons of fighting + stupid enemy

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As seen by Anonymous. Posted under Achaea as a Combat log.

I know it's long, but bare with it. Just for confirmation, when I got enemied at the end it was for attacking Taraza inside Mhaldor, which if you look at it, I never actually attack her and I have no idea why she was eating herbs

Submitted 12 Aug 2010. 2414 views in total, 0.48 per day.
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Comment #1 by everythings@xxx at 14 August 2010.

>when I got enemied at the end it was for attacking Taraza inside Mhaldor, which if you look at it, I never actually attack her

You are getting close to the ranks of the Infamous. Be warned!
You viciously jab an ornate steel rapier into Taraza.
The songblessing unleashes a stunning percussive blast.
3842h, 2421m, 16585e, 8727w, 95% cekb- (20:34:44)
Amrylin picks up the corpse of Jacintha.
3842h, 2421m, 16585e, 8727w, 95% cekb- (20:34:44)
You lightly strike the side of Taraza's head with your rapier.
3842h, 2421m, 16555e, 8727w, 95% ckb- (20:34:44)
You begin reciting an epic tale of the heroism of Nicator to Taraza, holding her

IMO, you're a liar.