My slainshow D:

+1With 1 vote
As seen by Kairuni. Posted under Achaea as a Misc log.


Not everything I've ever killed, as I used MUSHClient for awhile.

Submitted 4 Jun 2008. 1386 views in total, 0.24 per day.
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Comment #1 by dragontheme_tim@xxx at 4 June 2008.

What? o.o

Comment #2 by infinityedge@xxx at 4 June 2008.

haha. i should make one of these for comedy

Comment #3 by tobias.sjosten@xxx (admin) at 4 June 2008.

Why don't you add some sorting to the list? Then you would at least be able to claim some usability. :>

I have logged every playing session since I started in Imperian, with the express purpose of one day writing a module for tracking statistics like this. Of course I wont ever get around to it, but that's besides the point..

Comment #4 by keegan@xxx (author) at 5 June 2008.

Well, it's not my script. Suppose I could add sorting, but I'm just going to be updating this log every time I clear it. Going to keep the script running for a level at a time, and note what level it was between. :)

Going to be doing the same with the crit tracker, Total Criticals 1675 14.35% 1675 14.35%
at level 77 is fun =)